Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence
Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence
If you have concerns with ability to get or maintain an erection, our pharmacist, may be able to help you.
Your pharmacist will be able to discuss treatment available called sildenafil (Viagra), without the need for a prescription.
Your Pharmacist will check your blood pressure and ask a few questions including any current medication you are taking or any health conditions you may have to ensure the medication is right for you.
All of this is undertaken in a private area to ensure confidentiality.
This service is available to men between 35 and 70.

Sildenafil also known as Silvasta, Viagra, Avigra, Vedafil be purchased without a prescription at your local Pharmacy following a discreet, confidential consultation with a trained pharmacist to determine eligibility for supply.
Visit your Medical Centre
Let them know you are a My Pharmacy patient and they will send your prescription straight to us.
Trained Professionals
If you need help and advice please feel free to ask your pharmacist, we will be happy to answer any questions.
Delivery Available
If you can't make it into the pharmacy ask about our delivery service, if you live in the Papamoa area we can bring your prescriptions to your door.

Speak to a Pharmacist
Contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our Pharmacists.
Call: 07 572 0355