Update your My Pharmacy Membership

Take advantage of our special offer of only $15 per month for 12 months, for a family of 2 adults and all dependent children under the age of 18
You can pay an annual fee of $120 by 30 November 2021 and you're covered until 2023!

The package is valued at over $400 - join now and save money while covering costs for these services for over a year!

This is an ideal gift for family members that might need support. 

Become a MyPharmacy Member

Cover the whole family

The ideal gift for those people that are hard to buy for!

My Pharmacy Membership Programme
Your membership provides you with the following Benefits:

  • Access to your pharmacist seven days a week at Papamoa Plaza and every weekday at our Palm Springs location
  • Each pharmacy has full access to your prescription information and medication repeats are available from both Papamoa locations
  • All fully funded prescription co-payment fees included
  • Medicine roll packaging service fees included
  • Health supplement pack service
  • Free Prescription delivery within the delivery boundary (as per service map) all of Papamoa as far as Girven Road
  • Annual medication review with our Pharmacist for each adult
  • Priority influenza vaccination for two adults
  • Member-only education events

More benefits coming soon!!

How it works

Simply sign up then scan and go!

When you sign up to our membership programme you will receive a card that identifies you and your family as part of the scheme.

Your card will have a unique code that will be scanned every time you use it.

When you use our services just present your card at checkout and you will receive the benefits - its as simple as that!

It is simple to join, we just need a few details about yourself and the people using your account.

We'll send out your card in a welcome pack that you will receive in the post.

Don't wait, sign up below and start saving money today!

If you're already a member and you want to access your dashboard just log in below, if you have any questions just pop in or give us a call, we'll be happy to help!

How it works

My Pharmacy Membership Programme

Join today and enjoy membership benefits for yourself and your family, from just $15 per month. Sign up by clicking the button below. If you are already a member just sign in below.

Sign-Up Login