Quit Smoking
Quit Smoking
Are you ready to stop?
Our pharmacists can now provide funded nicotine replacement therapy to help you quit smoking. We can help you decide what products are best for you and provide ongoing support and advice to help you stay smokefree. Giving up smoking may not be easy but it has huge health and financial benefits. Within one year of giving up, your chance of having a heart attack or stroke markedly reduces, and becomes the same as a non-smoker within three to five years. The risk of getting lung cancer can also be reversed over time.
Nicotine replacement products available:
Habitrol chewing gum – mint or fruit
Habitrol lozenges – mint
Habitrol patches

Within one year of giving up, your chance of having a heart attack or stroke markedly reduces, and becomes the same as a non-smoker within three to five years. The risk of getting lung cancer can also be reversed over time.
Visit your Medical Centre
Let them know you are a My Pharmacy patient and they will send your prescription straight to us.
Trained Professionals
If you need help and advice please feel free to ask your pharmacist, we will be happy to answer any questions.
Delivery Available
If you can't make it into the pharmacy ask about our delivery service, if you live in the Papamoa area we can bring your prescriptions to your door.

Speak to a Pharmacist
Contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our Pharmacists.
Call: 07 572 0355